Welcome!Thank you for your interest in Heavens Anglers Bass Club!
Our club holds 8+ Tournaments a year at local lakes. Most of our events are held on Saturdays and are in close enough proximity that we can all be home and refreshed for Sunday morning service. A typical event starts with Prayer, is eight hours long, and ends with participant's fellowship lunch near the lake. You will find our club to be unique, in the diversity of our members, passion for God's Children, our HELP a CHILD charity event, outreach to Veteran's, and love for the competitive sport of bass fishing. Come join the only Christian bass club in metro St. Louis that is "Ready to get out of the Boat" I look forward to seeing you in God's great outdoors! Livin' with a BIG vision... God's! Gary President Heaven's Anglers Bass Club Want to talk to Gary? Click his picture and send him an email. |
HEAVEN'S ANGLERS CHARITIES Do you like our mission and the outreach programs we're involved in? Please click the Donate button below or Shopping on Amazon.... click our link & a part of your purchase will help a child http://smile.amazon.com/ch/46-1419627 Your can personalize your donation to one of our two charities (Kids Against Hunger or Missouri Baptist Children's Home) just let us know which one in the "special instructions" section of the checkout. |